Young communities in the world
International projects
What do young people from Greenland, Malawi, and Denmark have in common? Much more than you would think! A dream of positive change and the urge to improve one’s society is recognizable in all countries. Therefore, we work every day to strengthen the voice of young people, and their opportunities to create change in both Denmark and the world.
The Danish Red Cross Youth is present in countries where young people are not always taken into consideration and therefore have little influence on their own life and future.
Our mission is to change the way young people look at themselves, and the expectations of others towards young people. We want them to have higher expectations, because we know that young people have the resources, the abilities, and the knowledge to solve local and global challenges.
We believe that young people are the key to creating a better and more sustainable world.
Young people in Zimbabwe
are not being heard. Young people are often overlooked, but as a youth leader, I have the opportunity to be the voice of the youth. I have had a chance to develop myself and my local area. I have learned to be a good friend, to be a team player and to ask the important questions. My mindset has changed
- Jonathan from Zimbabwe on being a local youth leader in The Zimbabwe Red Cross/The Danish Red Cross Youth
How can I join?
There are so many options to help making the world a better place for young people – even if you are based in Denmark.
We involve volunteers in Denmark in organizational activities, fundraising projects, communication and PR, advocacy and human resources.You can also host volunteers from other Red Cross and Red Crescent societies from around the world who are visiting Denmark, and you can support our Danish volunteers going abroad.
Are you interested in joining or hearing more? Email us at info@urk.dk -
Can I travel with The Danish Red Cross Youth?
Unfortunately, we only need very few volunteers going abroad. When in other countries, our volunteers support our international projects by helping the local youth organizing and starting up projects.
Usually we choose volunteers who are already acquainted with The Danish Red Cross Youth and our work. All our international volunteer jobs will be posted on our website. It is not possible to apply unsolicited.
Who are we collaborating with abroad?
In our international projects we are always working closely with The Danish Red Cross. We are collaborating with the respective Red Cross and Red Crescent society in the country. For instance, on our projects in Greenland, we are teaming up with Greenlandic Red Cross and their youth project INUA.
The local partnership ensures both the sustainability of the project and ensures a focus on the most important needs in the individual local area.

that we have worked to promote relations and solidarity across borders since 1923?